People and Places
Stebbing in 1381: Lordship, Rebels and Space

The 'People of 1381' team is very grateful to Lawrence R. Poos of the Catholic University of America for sharing with us this blog post drawing on his current project focussing on the village of Stebbing in Essex. Professor Poos is very well known for his work on rural society and manorial courts, and his monograph o
John Northbourne: rebel who fled abroad and knew John Gower

• New discoveries among King’s Bench files
• Rebels fleeing abroad after the revolt
• Kent rebel served order on John Gower
A significant source of new information about the 1381 revolt in the 'People of 1381' database is the huge series of files containing the working
John Ball in History and Memory

• New Book on the Reception of John Ball
• Ball's Fluctuating Reputation since 1381
• How Ball Became an Icon of Homegrown Socialism
James Crossley is Research Professor in Bible, Society, and Politics at MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion, and Society,
Margaret de Enges, Prioress of Carrow

• Carrow Road, before the football ground
• Attacks on women in 1381
• Women initiating legal actions against the rebels
• Targeting of monastic institutions
In June of 1381 the prioress of the Benedictine convent of Carrow was a woman called Margare
John Hende: a rebel friend of Chaucer?

• Town v Country: Mixed-Loyalties During the Rebellion
• Exploiting the Opportunities Offered by the Rising
John Hende’s connection to the Peasants’ Revolt is a complicated one; he cannot be labelled simply as a rebel or an enforcer of roya
John Stakepoll - the First Protest Singer?

• Executed rebel named in sensational charges against London aldermen
• His goods included musical instruments
• Was he a minstrel who had been in military service?
Recently, we have
The First Eyewitness Account of the Revolt?

• Letter to Teutonic Knights describing revolt
• Earliest eyewitness report
• Who helped keep German merchants safe?
Probably the oldest eyewitness report of the rising of 1381 is a letter by the alderman and other merchants of the Hanseatic league who were present in London during the
Westminster and St Mary Pew

• Memories of 1381 invoked as the COVID-19 pandemic takes hold
• Central role of Westminster Abbey at a time of crisis
A recent issue
Goditha de Stathum [Statham] and her sons

• Rebellion in Derbyshire, anti-Lancastrian protest
• New evidence of rebels and their military service records
• Revealing pattern of attacks on John of Gaunt’s lands and attitudes towards him
John Reed of Rougham

• New light on one of largest attacks in Norfolk
• Resentment against sheep farming fuels rebellion
Local historians have made important contributions to our understanding of the roots
Robert Hull 'shipman'

• New insights from Gascon Rolls Project
• Attack on Abbey near Tower of London
Friday 10 January 2020 is an exciting day for the 'People of 1381' team as i
Margery Tawney [Tany]

• Offers new interpretation of events at the Tower of London on 14 June 1381
• Shows longer term legacy of the revolt
Margery Tawney, widow, was an eyewitness to the chaotic scenes in London at the height of the revol
John Peper of Linton

• Can we identify rebels among lists of medieval soldiers?
• What problems will our project encounter in tracing the lives of the people of 1381?
One of the aims of 'The People of 1381
John Preston of Hadleigh (Suffolk) and St Osyth (Essex)

• Summarily executed because of his petition
• A martyr of the revolt?
On 25 June 1381 a discretionary commission to chastise and punish participants in the recent uprising, headed by Thomas of Woodstock, uncle of the fourteen-year-old king Richard II,
John Spayne [Spanye, Spaygne, Spaigne] King’s Lynn, Norfolk

- New findings relating to role of King’s Lynn in revolt
- Relationship between urban and rural unrest
- Fate of people excluded from general pardon
John Spayne, a freeman of Bishop’s (later King’s) Lynn, in Norfolk, exempl
The 1381 Game: Choose Your Own Revolt. Revolt. Again

Among the creative outputs of The People of 1381 is a play specially written by the playwright, director and teacher of creative writing Poppy Corbett, who has worked closely with the research team from the project. Poppy's play, The Time of Rumours, was developed with students from the Department of Film, Theatre